Emotional Bodywork
When the truth in the story is just part of the picture
Emotional Bodywork
The hopes and fears we uncover while following the story of our life is rich material for the work of therapy, but it isn’t the full picture. Many of the archaic wounds and traumatic experiences occur before our autobiographical memory sets in —when we were preverbal and inhabited our unconscious.
Emotional bodywork is a process of creating awareness of the relationship between our emotional and mental states. Through body sensations and feelings, we start to see how much of who we are, and what we do and say, come out of our body’s chemistry, anatomy, and energetic field.
We develop our ability to attend to felt experiences in our body and collect information about how we organize our experiences. Through mindfulness, sensing, and embodying practices we move beyond the impulsive emotional patterns and beliefs formed early in life, like repetitive negative thinking, self-shaming, and self-loathing, that prevent us from attaining healthy relationships with self and others.
With practice, and respect for the body’s self-healing capacity, clients learn to touch directly into their essential knowing and to regulate old modeling.
The fee for Psychotherapy is $120/ 1 hr. sessions
Slliding scale unavailable at this time.
“To grow is to change the shape of our living. It is never too late to grow, to fill ourselves with our own life”
— Stanley Keleman